Utah Health Nuts is Utah’s leading website and newsletter for creating a truly healthy lifestyle. Sometimes I ask myself: What if someone hadn’t shared this with me? Where would I be? That is why we have created this website. Because something this good is worth sharing.
Our mission is to share unique tools and resources that can help Utah families create more harmony, balance, and health in our daily lives. To create a community where Utah families can come together in support and celebration of each other. As we each take responsibility for change in our own lives, we can influence our children, families, and community to create a better future.
Please join us on this amazing journey to lead the life you and your family have always dreamed of and definitely deserve.
Join our Utah Health Nuts community today to receive your free weekly newsletter and your free special report.
Tina Beck
As President of Utah Health Nuts, Tina is passionate about creating health in her family and community. After realizing that life can be better than being sick, overweight, and suffering, she has been focused on creating a thriving lifestyle for her family. She always says, “It is better to thrive than just survive.” She is especially passionate about helping children and families because she has such a love for them.